The purpose of this project was to analyze how weather changes as you get closer to the equator. To accomplish this analysis, we first pulled data from the OpenWeatherMap API to assemble a dataset on over 500 cities.
After assembling the dataset, we used Matplotlib to plot various aspects of the weather vs. latitude. Factors we looked at included: temperature, cloudiness, wind speed, and humidity. This site provides the source data and visualizations created as part of the analysis, as well as explanations and descriptions of any trends and correlations witnessed.
Trend 1 - Temperature vs Latitude Plot shows that the temperatures are higher the closer they are to the equator (latitude range of -20 to 20)
Trend 2 - City Latitude vs Windspeed Plot shows that Windspeeds are somewhat indifferent to Latitudes, but it is important to note that highest wind speed outliers all occur at latitudes furthest from the equator.
Trend 3 - Based on the data, it seems as though cloudiness and humidity are relatively consistent across all latitudes. Further analysis to include an additional variable may reveal further insights into those relationships