My Story

Welcome! My name is Charles Pratt and I am a Full Stack Web Developer with a sincere passion for Data Analytics and Visualization.


I began my career in Outside Sales and Account Management where I conducted business reviews and presentations for innumerable clients ranging everywhere from small, independent firms to Fortune 500 companies. I began to see, first-hand, the value that insightful analyses can bring to the decision-making process and the positive impact they can have in promoting an organization’s goals and initiatives. As my career progressed, so did my interest in Computer Programming and Data Science. After having recently relocated to the Kansas City area, I decided to reinvest in my education and learn the technical skills I would need to transition to a new career in the exciting world of data.

My personal interests are as diverse as my experience and background, so I am beyond eager to explore a number of the limitless opportunities in applied data science. Moving forward, I plan to continue building and sharpening my programming and analytical skills while delving deeper into machine learning and neural networks.

Education and Activities

  • Data Analytics and Visualization Certification, University of Kansas
  • BS Biology, University of Texas at Dallas
  • BS Business Administration, University of Texas at Dallas
  • Osage Nation Higher Education Scholar
  • Southwest Youth Services - Volunteer
  • Native American Community Academy - Coach / Volunteer
  • Healing House, Kansas City - Volunteer
  • United States Olympic Development Program